Saturday, June 18, 2005



In the last two weeks, GM has been bringing in journalists and analysts to the GM Design Dome at their Technical Center in Warren, Michigan, for one-on-one sessions to view most of their upcoming products for the next 30 months. Though we can't provide anything more than sketchy details, suffice to say, anyone counting GM out at this point will be surprised, make that shocked, at the array of new cars and trucks they have in the pipeline. Most impressive was the attention paid to the design of their interiors across the board, something that has been long overdue. And the new products are, in most cases, jaw-droppingly beautiful in their execution and details. Cadillac will continue to gain momentum, with a handsome new Escalade and a stunning new CTS that will flat-out reassert GM's design leadership in the industry. It's that good. And new entries for Chevrolet, Saturn and Buick are remarkably on-target and will be ultra competitive. Saturn dealers in particular should be high-fiving in their showrooms. And the new full-size SUVs and trucks are exceptionally detailed and should set new standards for dynamic performance, ride and efficiency in the category. These new vehicles reflect "Maximum Bob's" influence everywhere you look. Those looking for signs that the Lutzian era has waned in this business will be sorely disappointed, because this new stuff bristles with the kind of detailing and design integrity that have marked his best efforts in the past - and then exceeds them. This is the first time that we have seen hard evidence that all of the work behind the scenes at GM has been worth the effort. The talented men and women working in the trenches at GM have finally been turned loose - and the results are truly extraordinary. Is GM out of the woods yet? Not by a long shot, no. But whereas before they were getting lost on the way to the playing field, they're now well and truly engaged in The Game. And it's about time.


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